How long did it take you to paint that?

The time it takes me to complete a painting depends on the size and level of detail. However, on average I take about 6-9 hours for a 24”x30” acrylic painting. (Plus the years of experience it took me to get to that speed).

I do usually track the hours for each painting which I often share on my Instagram.

Are your paintings created from memory?

No. I paint portraits based on photos. For extremely large paintings or for references that have an odd perspective I might use the “grid method” to lay out the outline first and get the proportions correct. However, I prefer to position the photo next to the canvas and just start painting.

I do not “paint from memory” as the best art advice I ever received was to “Paint what you see, not what you THINK you see”. I have never painted from live model but I will eventually.

How much do you charge?

Please read this full page for an explanation on my prices linked HERE. In short though, my minimum is $375 for commissioned traditional portraits and $120 for digital portraits.

Do you do LOGOS?

Absolutely not. If you want to know why, please read THIS BLOG ARTICLE.

How long have you been painting?

I completed my first official portrait at just 3 years old and have always been a creative person. I also attended a performing arts school for 5 years. But I would say I did not start taking the craft seriously until about 2019. As of this writing that has been 4 years of serious practice.

Is art your only income/job?

Only in my dreams. In reality, I work as an Office Administrator at an awesome non profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for our seniors. As much as I would love to paint full time, I view my “regular job” as an awesome extension of my art mission to elevate the human experience.

Noteworthy: I try to live art as a lifestyle so in that sense, art is the only job.

Can you paint my dog?

Maybe. I specialize in human portraits but I do occasionally accept commissions for animals. However, I do not accept commissions for building, landscapes, cityscapes or still life paintings.

Do you offer classes?

For adults - not currently. For children, yes - FOLLOW THIS LINK.

Do you offer Sip and Paint activities?

I do not currently have any plans but I have done one. More news on this coming soon. Please stay tuned.

Do you offer shipping for artwork?

Technically yes but I do not recommend it. The risk for damage in transport is very high and the cost for postage is always rediculous. In the case of shipping, I require that the customer pay for shipping& handling and HIGHLY recommend purchasing insurance on the art for transport. If the customer opts out of insurance they must understand that I will not cover any damage that may occur during shipping. This can be hundreds of dollars in addition to the price of the art.

I am located in Akron, OH and can deliver free of charge to anywhere within 50 miles of central Akron.

Did you go to school for Art/Painting?

I have received some art education but not in an advanced capacity. I attended a performing arts school from 4th-8th grade (Miller South in Akron) and spent a lot of high school lunch periods in the art class but I did not receive a higher education in art. I received a bachelors degree from The University of Akron in psychology, with a minor in sociology, which has influenced the human themes within my art. I only took one art class in college (which barely counts as it was an art history class) and I have taken one oil painting class at the Cuyahoga Valley Art Center.